Pozibility | Ethernet 400/800 Gbps VIP
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Ethernet 400/800 Gbps VIP

Ethernet 400/800 Gbps VIP

Pozibility’s 400/800 Gbps Ethernet VIP is fully configurable in all aspects.
It can create standard, jumbo, pause, magic, and management frames.
Any kind of Ethernet traffic can be generated and monitored using this VIP.
It is based on SV/UVM.
The VIP package includes Coverage, Generator, Monitor, Scoreboard, Verification environment, and test cases.
It also comes with error injection test cases to ensure DUT can be well tested.
The Generator/Monitor can be configured to generate/monitor any kind of Ethernet traffic.
The VIP package also contains needed documentation – User Manual and FAQ.
Pozibility’s VIP comes with full technical support to assist the customer in anything needed w.r.t our VIP and/or test suite.
It is in compliance with 400/800G specification by Ethernet Technology Consortium.

For Evaluation Copy, Please Send Email To sales@pozibility.in


Pozibility Verification IP ( VIP) Portfolio

PCIe 5.0
USB 4.0